We encourage all of our members to sign up for our digital banking services. Once you make the choice to go virtual with HCU, you’ll be able to complete almost all of your financial transactions from home, on the go or where ever life may take you.
Use our mobile apps for easily accessible banking and protect your cards with HCU card defense.
Download the apps today. It’s fast and free – you’ll be on your way to protecting your cards and banking safely in no time.
Search for HCU Card Defense and Horizon Credit Union

HCU has many investment options along with the support needed to properly monitor those investments.

Whether you’re a first-time home buyer or a seasoned homeowner, HCU can help with your mortgage lending needs. We’re part of your community and right here in your neighborhood. We want to make sure you get the information you need and the home loan that’s just right for you.

HCU finances automobile and recreational vehicle loans. You’ll get great HCU rates with service you know and trust. Getting an On the Go Loan is simple and quick. You can apply online, and even sign online – never having to leave your home until it’s time to pick up your check!

Finances play a big part in everyone’s life. Let HCU make it a little easier with our everyday finance options. From checking to mobile banking, HCU makes it easy to keep your finances in check.

Do you have pressing money questions? Do you desire financial success? Create an open and honest connections with Nicole Finamore, Financial Advisor, and she’ll answer all your questions.